Top Ten "Definitions of an Audiophile"

One sentence please. Run-on sentences tolerated.
I will begin:

"A person in pursuit of the most pleasing listening experience 
obtainable yet with no facility at all to accept that they are
 Close Enough".
Hmmm. I’m an audiot.  Fortunately I’ve stopped chasing the dragon ever since 2018 kicked my financial ass. 

I’ve been fortunate to be on the rebound, and I’ve gathered together a modest system that pretty much delivers everything I had in the past, albeit sans want of something else. I learnt. 

The joyful pursuit of orchestrating just the right balance of components in the expectation of providing a balanced reasonable facsimile of a performance.
An audiophile is someone who insists upon pissing against the wind, hoping one day for vindication by a dramatic change in the wind direction.

I'm still waiting, I'm still hoping..
Post removed 
An audiophile is like a modern day explorer or climber but with all the action and melodrama internalised inside their head.

Outsiders often have little or no idea of what's happening in there, or why it even matters.