Phonostage Recommendations for my PS Audio + Thiel setup

Hello Everyone,

I am in the market for a phonostage. My setup is a PS Audio BHK 250 Amp, BHK Signature Preamp, Direct Stream Jr DAC, MoFi Ultradeck w/mastertracker cart(MM) and Thiel 3.7 speakers. I live in a pretty rural state and I don't have any practical options for auditioning gear. I am open to any options and recommendations. PS Audio just released a new phono stage at about $2500 so that would be the absolute max I would be willing to spend.

Any recommendations out there? Anyone with PS Audio, Thiel or MoFi experience have an opinion? I appreciate the help. Thanks
@bighempin looking forward to your impressions. I have a MS Nova II which I really enjoy but wondering how much more I may get with the PSA Steller phono. My only issue is the gain seems on the high end for MC with 60db being lowest. Currently I run about 57db with my Delos on the Nova II, anything more I tend to hear less dynamics and resolution.....
Check out the Ayre P5xe.  Nice unit at $2295 and will do well with your fully balanced system.  Like all Ayre gear, it is super quiet.  

You can get one new over at Superphonica.  The unit was $2295 years ago.  They raised the price to $3250 in like 2015 or 2016.  A couple years later they discontinued it and they are blowing out all their discontinued products consumer direct. 

It’s a good value at that price. 
MoFi Ultradeck w/mastertracker cart (MM) and Thiel 3.7 speakers............ ..... phono stage at about $2500 so that would be the absolute max I would be willing to spend.

Hello, what other member ignored in their recommendations is that you're using (MM) Moving Magnet cartridge. Honestly you don't have to spend that must on a decent MM phono stage as you may need to spend on MC phono stage. I assume you don't have a LOMC cartridge ? Then why do you think you will have to spend that much ($2500) on a phono stage ? 

Actually you can buy absolutely amazing MM phono stage for much less money if you don't need high gain or built-in step up transformers in this phono stage designed for MC only. 

In my opinion with $2500 budget you can not only buy a decent MM phono stage like JLTi (US$ 1020), but you can also buy a much better MM phono cartridge and not exceeded your estimate budget for both!

Actually JLTi is MM/MC phono stage with long history. Absolutely the best at this price, i have huge collection of MM cartridges and this phono stage is what i am using for them. Asked the manufacturer to change internal load resistors to higher value, so i can use plug-in in RCA load resistors to change the loading for MM. This is a great feature, because most of MM cartridges are better with 100k Ohm loading (not just 47k Ohm). The capacitance can be change by cable only. 

I have different phono stages in my arsenal including the Gold Note PH-10 with external power supply, but most of the manufacturers does not provide optional load for MM, just default 47k Ohm, they are mostly concern about MC input than MM input. 

Again: If you're using MM cartridge you don't need super expensive phono stage, you need more option for MM and this is important. 

I like MM cartridges pretty much even in comparison to very expensive LOMC. But a MoFi is not so experienced in cartridge manufacturing like some other respected brands with much longer history. The best MM cartridges are from the 80's and MoFi can't beat them in direct comparison. 

For my MM cartridge i like JLTi much better than more expensive Gold Note PH-10 (which i use for MC).