Buying Speakers Based on Specs


Is it a good idea to buy a pair of speakers based on specification? Currently I have a pair of Paradigm Prestige 75F and I wish it had a little bit more bass. The frequency response is  44 Hz - 20 kHz.

I am eyeing the Spendor D7 which has a frequency response of  29Hz – 25kHz or the PMC Twenty5.24 with  frequency resp. of 27Hz - 25kHz. Based on the specs, these 2 speakers should give me more bass response, right?

I know, I know....audition the speakers in my home. But the problem the dealers in my city does not have in-home trials. 


The size of your listening room and type of music you listen to has more to do with your perceived bass response than the specs. 
You might want to entertain the idea of finding a pair of subwoofers that will take care of the low end of things, if, in fact, you like everything else about your Paradigms.

Just a thought. Regards,
I agree with islandmandan. Get yourself a couple subs.  This will not only give you the bottom end you want,it will also enhance the soundstage. 
Specs are all that matters. Absolutely. Anechoic measurement really does tell you everything you need to know about how they'll sound in your room. Just be sure to impedance match, and you are set. Then again might want to check with your wife. You know, the one you married based on her height, weight, and measurements.
LOL- @millercarbon. Seriously, what millercarbon is saying is DON'T buy speakers based solely on specs. All speakers sound different yet may measure close to the same. I agree with millercarbon. Buy speakers that you like the sound of, not how they measure.
