Power regenerators on pre / digital - any downsides?

Hi all,

I get the problems with driving power amps from mains regenerators, this can dull the sound if the unit can't provide enough power. I've had my sound utterly ruined by mains filters too, strangling my amps. 

So on to the question, is there any downside to regenerators for pre amps and digital kit, i.e. those units that don't draw much power? I see a lot of interest in power cables but I was thinking about fixing my mains. 

Thanks, Tim
I used a PS Audio Power Plant Premier for a few years.  When i first got I plugged my VTL 300 Deluxe mono blocks into it.  It sounded weak and anemic.  The PPP did well with the front end gear I had at the time. As I upgraded to better gear with much better internal power supplies the PPP became just a nice way power up my gear in one shot.  I don't use the PPP any more, I have multiple dedicated circuits.  
Thanks, I want to avoid using one on my power amps. So I guess you're saying that the regenerator became unnecessary when your kit got high end?  
Yes, but that's just how it seemed to worked out for me.  Also, during the upgrades, cabling was changed too. 
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