KEF 104/2 tweeters

Good afternoon everyone. I just picked up a pair of KEF 104/2 speakers on CL. They are fully functional and I currently have them integrated in my system (Parasound Halo preamp and Nakamichi PA-5 amp).  I am concerned about the tweeters (one is slightly dented) and the ferrofluid. I've read some DIY fluid advice and am contemplating doing the work.  However, I've also heard that these tweeters are not top quality.  I've considered replacing them all together with Morel MTD 30s buy I can't seem to find any.  I would like to find a direct fit so I don't have to retro fit anything. Not sure about other available tweeters.... Also, do you believe it's worth while to do the surrounds while I have it pulled apart. Or any other suggestions for how to rehab them?? Thank you much! 

Yes, there is sound from the speaker in question,
What about from each individual driver, not just the speaker as a whole?
Put in a 3khz sine wave tone off the internet, not too loud to blow the tweeter, then put your ear to each of the 3 front drivers to hear if they are all emitting that tone.

Cheers George
Upon further inspection it seems the donuts are indeed rotten and fall apart to the touch. Ordered some new ones and ordered and received a new set of tweeters.  In the process of disassembling the speakers. For the life of me, I cannot get the bottom cover off.  Is it glued in in addition to the screws? It is FIRMLY in place and I don't really want to rip it apart trying to remove it. Has anyone else had this issue?? Thank you 
... additional thought.  If I absolutely can't get the bottom panel off has anyone successfully replaced the bottom donut without taking out the woofer assembly?  I know it's not ideal but it might be my only option.  Thank you in advance!
The bottom panel is not glued in. It is a very snug fit and can be difficult to remove. I read somewhere where someone used the spikes as leverage to remove the panel.

Did you decide that the trouble with your muffled sound is with the tweeters? Did you order the tweeters from Midwest? I am curious to hear what you think of the new tweeters.
Thanks ljgerens.  Yes I did get the Midwest tweeters.  I will certainly let you know how they sound.  They should be a direct fit hopefully. Not sure if I will need to do some soldering... I've tried leaving the spikes in and I have yarded on them to try and pry it loose. To no avail.. I'm afraid.  Any other suggestions.? One thread stated the factory uses a bead of automotive blue sealant around the bottom panel.. 😒