Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera

Today i own Thiel 3.7
But have started thinking about changing them
For Tidal Piano Cera after i have been listening to Sunray
and also the Contriva Diacera, But never heard the Piano

What are thoughts about thoose two speakers.

Anyone compared them?

Im using Burmester CD and Pass XP-10 and XA-30.5, cables are
Transparent reference MM2

I can also ad that the Thiel sounds lovely:-)
The fact that no Tidal owners have post a comment about your question shows that none of them considers Thiel a competitive product to a Tidal. They belong in a totally different class.

Regarding the comments that Tidal is more musical, I must say that the Tidal Piano Cera is an absolute monitor speaker with no character of its own....
>The fact that no Tidal owners have post a comment about your question shows that none of them considers Thiel a competitive product to a Tidal.<

That is your opinion. It is a fact that no Tidal owner has commented, but the reason behind this is purely speculation on your part.

of course it is speculation but since I am buying the Piano Cera soon I can describe my feelings regarding the comparison between a Tidal and a Thiel speaker....
To my hears there is nothing that compares even to the "small" Tidal Amea.


The Piano Cera provides two benefits over the Amea: (1) a more robust cabinet, and (2) better isolation of the crossover components. Additionally, the Cera has bass tuning and tweeter adjustability features. But yes Mike, I agree that for a stand mounted monitor there is nothing quite like the Amea.