Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera

Today i own Thiel 3.7
But have started thinking about changing them
For Tidal Piano Cera after i have been listening to Sunray
and also the Contriva Diacera, But never heard the Piano

What are thoughts about thoose two speakers.

Anyone compared them?

Im using Burmester CD and Pass XP-10 and XA-30.5, cables are
Transparent reference MM2

I can also ad that the Thiel sounds lovely:-)
To be honest those two speakers cost the same in Europe....
So which retail price are we talking about , the US or the European one?
Again, even if they cost the same in Europe they belong in a totally different class....
>>12-06-10: Geopolitis
Again, even if they cost the same in Europe they belong in a totally different class<<

You forgot to add "in my opinion".

Speakers, like all components, are a subjective call. There is no hard and fast rule I've seen annointing Tidal or any other speaker as the "best" or better than another.

Lots of cheerleading doesn't carry any weight either.
We all have an agenda, hell I started a company that I brag on, (at least brag shamelessly about the designs, lol) but this one does have a special feel. I'm glad you pointed it out.
The central point of this thread I thought, was, 'to compare them.' This, to me an unfair comparison, as I pointed out, (floating prices notwithstanding) as the Piano cost about twice the price of the THIEL. My statement was something like this: If the THIEL can be compared to the Piano, why not compare the Piano to a speaker costing $52 or more--unless it's emperical and not, 'value per dollar', the comparison falls flat. No one (seriously) compares a Corvette to a Ferrari given their price differential.
Now, that said, I'm not an absolutist--a piano JUST sounds like a piano--if the 3.7 gets it close enough to fool most people is that good enough? No! Audio doesn't work that way--within a good rendering the nuance and delicacy that makes our skin 'bump' is what some of us pay $K's of dollars, every day, year.
I too, think that cheerleading in either direction is suspect.
Do I have an agenda with THIEL...yes and no, having worked for them, and having the greatest respect for Kathy Gornik and Jim/Tom Thiel makes my opinion suspect--but I try to carefully weigh that respect with audio 'reality', (see price/performance curve).

The slight difference between the prices I gave, which were posted the day I made the comments, and what Linkster corrected the to, are inconsequential--we are still talking a full multiple. How do we compare that?
To further confuse things--and even reverse fields!Imported products make for strange comparisons. Import duties, additional shipping, distributor charges make pricing of products and therefore, 'value' a very elastic debate. IMHO a speaker that costs twice the price of it's 'home country price' when exported/imported really muck things up. Perspectives, and validly so, become very difficult.
I suppose, the only REAL way to compare the THIEL and Tidal would be to look at them from a 'home/home' price. So if the THIEL costs $14 in the US, and Tidal costs about $14 in its domestic, the comparison IS valid.
I do know this, they ARE ONE BEAUTIFUL SPEAKER.

This is wordy AND confusing, but, I think worth saying.

You need to be consistent with the meds larry and not allow the cycle to lapse.
This thread is about worthless. At this point there are 23 post and not a single comparison. Blanket a statement that one item is way better than another with no context or detail is worthless.

Larry is one of the only ones in this thread still talking logic. I have not heard the Tidal, I am sure they are nice but not groundbreaking. Zood if you like your Thiel that well I would make sure I audition your next set of speakers before you sell the 3.7s.

I would really like to see a professional review of the Tidal speakers with measurements (NRC preferred), waterfall plots and the whole bit. They ask for a lot of coin without disclosing the engineering involved. But maybe I am just a harder sell than most. I need proven facts as well as my personal listening.

Also am I correct in my thinking that Tidal sources (design or parts) from Thiel? I believe I read a comment a long time about about Tidal and Thiel working on drivers together, please correct me if I am wrong.