Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera

Today i own Thiel 3.7
But have started thinking about changing them
For Tidal Piano Cera after i have been listening to Sunray
and also the Contriva Diacera, But never heard the Piano

What are thoughts about thoose two speakers.

Anyone compared them?

Im using Burmester CD and Pass XP-10 and XA-30.5, cables are
Transparent reference MM2

I can also ad that the Thiel sounds lovely:-)
Hi Bvdiman, no I didn't listen to the whole range..I wish I could with all the raves on Tidal elsewhere, but where I live, dealers no longer seems to carry them. don't know why...I listen to their tricera or whatever model that had the accuton tweet/mid and seas bass driver. I would think this is upper model compared to the Piano given the spec.
Anyway, that audition was few years ago, with the Peak Consultant Emperor using Lamm gears. Like I said in my previous post, I personally felt the high and mid on Tidal was something to die for..super extended, clean, silky smoth, "right but natural" I guess would be the words to decribe..However, I could not escape from the feeling that it's bass just felt little short in terms of slam and power. compared to the PC Emperor.. Tidal had the clean, well defined bass, don't get me wrong..but just didn't have that powerful slam I was look for especially given it's price point. bottom line, little thin from lower/lowest bass..
Anyway, to my points, wonderful speakers, but if you had Thiel 3.7 and looking for something to make up what is lacking..and Thiel lacks very little, then, I am merely suggesting that you also consider some that trouts different routes to see what it is that you are actually wanting more from your current speakers.
Sorry for the repeating posts. System must've been playing up with the first reported as error, not sent.
Just had my Contriva for two weeks now. Besides Pkoh's input, I did hear as well from few other sources to be wary of the slightly lean lower mid and bass of Tidals. I had my reservations then having bought/ordering them unheard, but of which after hearing them myself now, I just don't quite get what all the complain was about. With any of the two amps I tried them with, I must say that their bass is full, deep reaching, rich, with just a nice touch of natural warmth, yet, tightly controlled, almost piston like in agility and heft easily on par with my brother's Sasha (notoriously known for their weight and heft in that dept.). So I guess it's more likely to be other issues in the chain if you don't get them to perform as such.

I would like to hear your thoughts on how they sound compared to your out-going magicos. I can't remember if you had the Mini or V3 last.

Sorry to get the thread off topic but it is old anyway.

So as not to steer off topic, I've written some brief initial impression in my system thread. Only around 80hrs now on the Contriva, so still quite a fair bit away before settling.

My previous speakers (as of last 30yrs) were ML CLS > ML CLSII > Energy Connoisseur REf.22 > MG3A > Apogee Diva > Tannoy Westminster Royal > Pro Ac Response4 > ML Prodigy > MG20.1 > Stradivari > Magico Mini2 > V3. On average, lived around 2-3yrs with each.

But no, I'm not going to do head on comparisons between them (current with previous Magicos) as this would not seem fair considering price differences alone. Except to say that for the last four years I had the two Magicos, they've brought me much pleasure as well. When everything is set-up/tune-in just right, I must say they too are superb speakers in their price range for the right application.

Maybe fairer to have them compared to the Tidal Piano range, and that, maybe better left to those who are more familiar with both those lines.