Oppo 95 with DVDO iScan Duo

To avoid using an HDMI switch I'd like to take the HDMI output of my Oppo 95 through my DVDO iScan Duo to my Cary Cinema 11a. The video from the Cary goes directly to a Sony VPL-50 projecting onto a 100" screen. Are there any known problems with such a link? The iScan Duo is currently handling only output from a DirecTV HD-DVR.

IIRC, the iScan Duo can pass DSD audio, although I use balanced analog stereo and 7.1 analog audio from the Oppo to Cary inputs set to bypass.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I know how frustrating it can be as I went through most of what you are running into also. I do remember have issues when I first purchased the iScan but the sw upgrade took care of some of my issues. I also had to reset my unit a few time because of setting things up on the outputs incorrectly. So try to reset your iScan back to factory default then go from there, as this will reset any settings you may have done wrong or forgot you did in the first place. I am in Mass BTW where are you located? I think if you cycle power the front display will show SW version or just bring it up info on your screen. I will look at mine to find the version I have.
I am in Mass BTW where are you located?
Montecito, adjacent to Santa Barbara, CA
I did the resets Oppo suggested, but it wasn't until I installed the Lumagen HDMI extender as Dan Wemmer of Cary had suggested that video through the iSan Duo from both the HD-DVR and Oppo 95 came up on the projector. Must have been an issue with the HDCP handshake as Dan suggested. Thanks Dan.
