Has anyone upgraded from an AudioTechnica ART9?

How does one make the upgrade?  My expecations for buying a $2-$5k cart are through the roof. 

Before the ART9 I used an Ortofon 2M Black. 
The law of diminishing returns may be more operative in the realm of cartridges than other parts of the signal chain. I think this may be particularly true with the ART 9, which I owned for a time and thoroughly enjoyed. I ended up replacing the ART 9 with a cartridge that retails for twice the price--the Soundsmith MIMC Star. Is the MIMC Star twice as good? Of course not. Is it "better" than the ART 9? In my system it proved to be an ever so slightly better match. The ART 9 sounded a bit lighter and ever so slightly more refined but the MIMC Star threw a wider stage and had a more visceral, meaty, dynamic sound. System matching and setup is obviously crucial. The ART 9 is a somewhat high compliance design compared to others so that may be something to explore when considering an "upgrade". I'd also suggest investing time and energy in making sure you have set up the ART 9 optimally before moving on--the line contact stylus demands careful attention. If the ART 9 is a good match for your arm and is set up correctly I think you could very easily spend a lot more money and end up in the same place--maybe a bit different sound but not necessarily better across the board. The ART 9 is really that good. 
Thank you everyone. You echoed my instincts. My replacement could be another 9 or 7. But Raul is very knowledgeable so I will research his recommendations. 

I have a Manley Chinook phono stage btw. 
Where would one even buy an art7 from?
The only ones I have seen for sale of late are all in Japan.

Btw I also have an at 20sla that I alternate in between my Nagoaka and Scheu carts and for the age and cost it is still a very impressive all rounder.
@slaw With the only difference that LPGear’s stylus as always was blank without Audio-Technica logo and without stamped model number on it. Looks different compared to the original. This is for example the original and cartridge body