Best rock/jazz speaker under $10k used

What speaker under $10k used can rock hard but also bring out the best in jazz voice? I love the sound of planars for voice, but I sometimes I really want to shake the walls and bring out the best in a power chord. Opinions?
Thanks for all of your suggestions so far. I now know of speakers that I hadn't before. Keep them coming!
Check out the JTR Triple 12HT's. They can handle up to 1600 watts. They are Pro speakers, redesigned for the home. You can read about them over at AVS.
You should try to experience classic large JBL, Altec, or above mentioned Klispch. No problem with rock and fun for jazz.

You should also try to listen to Martin Logan Summits. They have nice deep bass and do not compress like older models and can actually rock. Then you have a wonderful stat sound and stage for jazz, vocals, and subtle effects and such. They do that splendidly. In my opinion a bargain in that they are adequate for rock and excel with jazz.

Have Fun!