Can I make my stereo play mono by...

Hello to all...

Have heard mono and appear to enjoy it more. Could I hook up all my speaker cables to one speaker and have it play mono? Intuitively this seems like it would work - but I'd like others thoughts about this: can I damage my speaker or Integrated amp? Playing CDs with optical cable into Integrated...

Thanks for any inputs.
... thank you for your explainations - in this case I guess Electrical Engineering trumps common sense...
Leave your pair of speakers in their normal location. Use the "mono" function on your preamp (if it has one). You will have a nicely centered mono image between the pair of speakers! Leave the amp connected as usual for stereo.
I find that using a pair of speakers this way for mono is much better than a single speaker.
Only two-channel tube amps can be parallel-connected! This will give double the power for mono use. Never parallel the outputs of a two-channel transistor amp! Some of these amps have internal bridging circuits that will allow conversion to mono safely.