MC/SUT into Line Level

Hello fellow enthusiasts.. My apologies for the noob question here, but I did try to search online regarding the use of the line stage for my MC/SUT setup, but did not yield any results to what I'm looking for.

My set up: Rega P3 (2016) > DV20X2L > Bob's Device SKY20 > Doge 8 Clarity (2017) (stock line tubes, Mullard's phono tubes).

Doge 8's line level is excellent, and I'm wondering why I couldn't utilize the line level for my MC/SUT setup? What potential damage or issues if I do so? Thought I'd ask first before trying it out myself, as I don't want a costly mistake.

The goal is to have a lower noise floor. Its currently acceptable under phono stage, but again, I am just wondering if it can further improve without adding/changing gear, as I am happy with the Doge 8 and its line level.

Thank you everyone, and looking forward to any input.
VPI Traveler, Dynavector 20x2L, Bobs Sky 20, E.A.T Glo Petite r very nicely balanced n my rig.  The Rega would more than likely sub in just fine.  Something like a Project Phono Box MM can fit the bill if budget is limited.  Take a look at the Audio Envy cables also.  They work really well and are very reasonable priced, nicely engineered, easy to handle & well built.  Good luck...
Thank you regismc for your advice... I will definitely take a look at those cables and thanks for the link to your phono pre.  I've recently acquired the Sky 20 and it sure makes a difference. As we know it in this hobby, it never ends - for many that is. 

Have an awesome day everyone!