What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away

i may have over reacted... for some reason PayPal wants to drive me into a business account. Looks like the fees are the same so not sure what that is all about, I'm just suspicious by nature

If you switch to a business account which is pretty easy you get a merchant ID, enter it here, and move on. If you don't want to do that then they make it very complicated to fill out forms, etc. I gave up and switched to business, made up a bogus business name and am moving on...
I did not have too much of an issue with using the Merchant ID thing but I have just sold an item here in the last 20 minutes so NOW will be the real test.
Will I get paid via Paypal or not.
We will see...…..
I sold something unaware of the PayPal/Merchant ID issue and my buyer could not pay.  I followed the instructions sent by Audiogon to get the Merchant ID without upgrading to a Business account. I pasted and saved the ID in my Account Profile. The buyer still cannot complete the transaction and I've asked Audiogon for further assistance. What a pain...

I did mine PRIOR to selling an item but looks like I am also stuck now in the same boat with buyer unable to complete.

Sorry Audiogon but looks like that might have been the last nail in your sales coffin for myself.

Thanks for that info.  Like you this might be my last sale here given the fees are very high and now this. It's a shame, I've been on here since 2001 and Audiogon has been slowly declining for the individual seller.