DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction

Has anyone tried this new unit in their system either 2 channel or home theater??? I was reading some reviews and this thing could be a winner. A couple guys in my audio club have tried it and claim it is absolutely the cat's meow!!! One stated it is the best piece of gear he has ever purchased in 55 years of audio buying!!!
I just took delivery of one this week. The 2013 version, which has a higher output voltage, asynchronous usb input. I plan on using it with a simple system: Mac laptop -> DSP -> VTL Tiny Triode amps -> Quad electrostats (57). I will likely use the DSPeaker as a preamp, with either a USB or an optical input to the DSPeaker. I'll let you know how it sounds, though it may take a week or more for me to get to it. Some people have reported losses in transparency. I assume with the Quads, I would notice something like that!
Seems like it won't do stereo subs in its current form, at least not without adding another one. Just FYI for those who might care.
I have one between pre-amp and power amps, analog-in to analog-out. It greatly improved the low end by removing big peaks. Main speakers now can play bass with no need for subs, booming is gone.

Most room problems are under 150HZ so this can make a big difference and I am not even using the other features, parametric eq, etc. Just set and forget. You do have to be OK with everything having an A/D/A conversion but, to my ears, it is transparent and its output drives my mono amps fine.