DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction

Has anyone tried this new unit in their system either 2 channel or home theater??? I was reading some reviews and this thing could be a winner. A couple guys in my audio club have tried it and claim it is absolutely the cat's meow!!! One stated it is the best piece of gear he has ever purchased in 55 years of audio buying!!!
Putting it in the tape loop allows you to more easily bypass its A/D/A conversion should you choose to do so for some reason. So the tape loop may be the most convenient way to hook it up for evaluation purposes. If you find its A/D/A + DSP beneficial in all cases after an evaluation using the tape loopthen between pre and amp would make sense.

Also, between pre and amp, if you are using it as a DAC, aren't you bypassing your preamp's volume control (and any other benefits the preamp provides)?
No, you're not bypassing the volume control. And the bypass function is so easy to control from the remote (rather than getting up to change the tape loop setting) that it seems to be the way to go (b/t preamp and amp).

I wrote to the manufacturer and they indicated that the cleanest way to use the unit was to keep it in the digital domain (i.e. put it between the digital signal and the DAC) or to use it as a DAC/preamp itself with no other equipment before the amps.

FYI - the USB input jack is a mini - so it's not like many USB DACs we are used to. This would entail either an adaptor or a USBA to mini cable.
How are you not bypassing a pre's volume control if you are using a digital input?

And "bypass" is to bypass the DSP & EQ. It does not bypass the A/D/A process.
You can't use it as a DAC between the pre and the amp. If you want to use it as a DAC, you either do so upstream of the pre (as an input into the pre) or you hook it up directly to the amps, and then you are using it as a DAC+PRE.

Are you talking about a digital out from the pre? If so, you are correct. Like for home theater???

Correct about the bypass (second statement)