ESL57 vs ESL63

The 57’s are going for twice the price of 63’s.

i like the managable size of this speaker, this is really a part of my soon to be retirement built two channel system.

besides the price, how do these two fair amongst each other. Realistically how much power do the require, tubes ? Solidstate ?

my hope would be to also get into lower powered triode type amps with this projects.....

The dipole subwoofers look super easy to build. This is really shaping up nicely. I have a MiniDSP that would maybe needed for the subs
Watched an 8 part video on  rebuilding the panels on an  ESL 63,  it was interesting to find out what all the parts do because I had never seen an exploded version of that speaker on the inside, interesting to say the least, def doable. Very detailed
the smaller CJ tube amps in particular the well with the 57
I am running pair 63 with a heavily modified MC240, adequate in my small room and as others have noted, reasonable expectations...

have fun, enjoy the journey and the music