Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp

I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. I have a Bryston 5B ST that I use for the front 3 channels(and for 2 channel music), but I want to use the internal amps in the receiver for the surround channels only (hence why I can't use *just* a preamp).
I am using my Denon AVR 2808 as the pre now with the Bryston and it is OK, but I feel is really holding it back.
Any suggestions on what would be a go AV receiver that has a great preamp section in it ?
How about a 2 channel pre-amp with home theater bypass? I think that would be a better investment that another receiver. Changing between Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo is probably not going to make much difference. Many think Marantz receivers are a step up for 2 channel. I like NAD, but to get room correction and the other bells and whistles runs the price up quickly. You should consider keeping the Denon for theater and a getting good quality 2 channel pre.
If recommending a 2 channel preamp for 2 channel stereo makes me a bigot, I'm completely fine with it. People that don't have any clue as to what they are talking about always get mad or become nasty when they see or hear something they don't understand. Had someone shown the OP enough respect to, at least, READ his post, they would find that he already has a pretty good Denon HT receiver and is not happy with it. Heaven forbid!

I won't apologize for giving an honest answer. I give recommendations based on real experience; not guesses and magazine reviews. Two of the better processors I've had over the years was a Classe SSP75 and a Meridian 861. Most people wound agree that both of those aren't too bad, as far as HT preamps go. For 2 channel stereo, neither one could come close to my Ayre 5 preamp. For music, it beat the processors in every single area I could come up with. Better yet, its a fraction of the price.


Sorry to be going off like this, but its becoming very common to see people that have certain "issues", posting irresponsibly. The worst part of it is, they sometimes actually talk people into buying equipment based on their, less than adequate, understanding of audio equipment.

One last thing that I should have put in my original post. Don't take my word, or anyone else's, for what you should or shouldn't buy. Listen to what everyone has to say and then go listen to some equipment. You'll find out really quick who knows what they are talking about. More importantly, though, you will too. With enough hard work and experience, you can elevate yourself to bigot status, as well. I bet you can't wait.
>> The worst part of it is, they sometimes actually talk people into buying equipment based on their, less than adequate, understanding of audio equipment. <<

If you are referring to me, you do not know what you are talking about. I have had very good 2-channel systems for over 40 years, and some very good surround-sound systems for the past 10 years. And, I sold hi-end hi-fi for 3-4 years. So, I kinda know this stuff.

Secondly, YOU did not read his post correctly. Or you have trouble with reading comprehension.

The OP actually posted "I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. "

The latest crop of good-quality AVRs satisifes his needs quite well. And he could do this for about $900 - 3,000 - no budget was stated. If he wants an AVR, the ones I suggested are quite good...

I agree with Zd too. Sadly, the 2 channel preamp sections in most AVR's are an afterthought - they were designed for multi channel use with their room correction facilities. Not stereo music. I have yet to hear an AVR in "pure direct" mode that I was impressed with.

Consider a separate 2 channel preamp with a Home Theater Bypass feature. This will allow seamless integration with an AVR and your power amp all in one system. I use a Parasound 2100 preamp in my configuration. Relatively inexpensive and brings my 2 channel listening up to a whole new level. There are many manufacturers offereing HT Bypass preamps all the way up to five figures. If you can fit another box in your installation, check them out. Could be the solution to your problem.
I assume your question is budget driven at least to some extent. If so, "get separates" isn't a helpful suggestion. I'd take a look at reviews of some Marantz mid to upper mid priced AVRs. Marantz generally does a better job on music quality than most and the reviews seem to bear that out. Good luck.