Quarantine/Vetting by Admin prior to allowing "Company Is Dead" Threads to go live

I am recommending that Admin / Audiogon Officials  ---  VET any thread that deals with the demise / closing of a business or change of a business, prior to allowing it to go live.

There have been three recent instances, and many more over time, where a member "jumps the gun" and posts information pertaining to a going concern that isn't true nor accurate of what has transpired.

I also suggest: 1) to lock these threads down immediately; 2) to allow members to report via an additional special circumstance "reason" button, until Audiogon driven independent verification can be made.

Can Audiogon Admin offer solutions and guidance regarding these types of posts?  Thank you.
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Audiogon's only responsibility should be to inform the manufacture/person/entity in question and give them an opportunity to respond directly to the thread.  Heck, we have members who have relationships with manufactures and give them a heads-up when a thread about their product starts to go south!


I get your point, but I think you're taking it a bit too seriously. Just asking if a company is out of business, or is going out of business doesn't cause them to go out of business, and in all the many years I've been on this site, I have never felt that the question was asked out of revenge for poor service. Annoying yes, especially when I went online and found the answer right away.   

@roxy54   Good points. I have no stake in this other than an expectation for valid and accurate information.

Do I believe I should take that expectation seriously with respect to this forum, NO. Half the posts across threads here don't meet that threshold (I'm being generous). 

This was not in response to a single thread. There were 4 'current' threads at last count that were false and speculative about going concerns: Audio Research, MIT, The Needle Doctor, and Meridian.

- "Demise of Audio Research"
- "MIT closed the doors" "(It appears as though MIT is closing their doors and going out of business)"
- "Is the Needle Doctor going out of business?? "(I saw on another forum (Steve Hoffman) that the Needle Doctor was closing its doors.)"
- "Is Meridian dead as a product company?"

The question comes down to how this would go over, if it were your business and livelihood that was pronounced dead on online forums?

There is another active thread where the member hasn't been able to get an amp serviced and which is MIA. There, there are calls to punt it up to the State's Attorney General and one member offering to go bounty and hunt down the perps and acquire the amp. 

A very interesting difference (indifference) from some in their responses between these threads. 

Our hobby isn't doing so well. I doubt false claims are helping the very principals who support us with their products and services and enrich our hobby.
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