High Fidelity Cables MC 1-PRO

Just plugged it into my system yesterday. So it only has about 10 hours on it. First impressions The sound became more detailed in the mid range really opens up nice. (not harsh or lean). The base is tighter but not as deep as before. I experience the same base problem when i started breaking in High Fidelity MC 6 Hemisphere. The base with the Hemisphere took a long while, but came in great (Better than orginal) after it had 500 plus hours on it. So for now i am not worried about that. Since High Fidelity recommends about 400 hours before the MC 1 Pro settles in. The sound stage as a whole is much more defined feels sound like it has more energy, but it did shrink a little again i feel this will get better than it was with reaching the 400 hour mark. I am very happy with the over all sound my systems has since adding the MC 1-Pro and thinking about adding another one.
I did plug the MC 1-PRO in at the wall with my 21 MC 0.5s all on the same line that feeds the MC 6 Hemisphere. Which feeds my front end, TV and Sat. box. i all so have 6 MC 0.5 plugged into the Hemisphere. The Pro and the MC 0,5s sound very good together and a nice match up. Will report more as i get more time on the MC 1 PRO.
enjoy Pete
I was curious if anyone compared a Pro to a Helix. Does the helix sound better than 2 Pro’s?  It’s around twice as much in price. 
Yes, the helix is that much better. I have 6 Pros and 4 Helix in my system. The effect that the Helix has on sound is so much better. The Pros are amazing but if I was going to invest I would spend my money on the Helix version.

And that goes for the cabling as well. The Helix versions go way beyond in performance over the lower versions of the product.
benjie i moved up the chain on power cords UR to URH to the Pro. Their was a nice increase in performance each time. But when i went to the Pro level the increase was huge Like a component up grade or better.
Decided to take the plunge and purchased a pro helix+.  Added it to the main dedicated 20amp line outlet feeding my system last night.  Have to be honest, I did not notice a difference at all in the first few hours, but I understand there is quite a burn-in. I also have two mc-.05s on either end of my power distributor.  Wondering if anyone else did not notice an initial improvement at all but gained a substantial improvement over time?
I have found that the Helix does take longer to break in. Only the hours that the  Pro Helix+  it is in use will count toward the break in time. Just plugged in does little for break in. I have found the bass is the slowest to come around, but when it does it is much better than before. Each time it is unplugged from the wall and then plugged back in it will take time to resettle in.