Best Tubes on Market today?

I'd like to upgrade tubes on my Mastersound Compact 845 SET.
I'm getting a loud buzzing noise from both channels at  listening position which I find extremely annoying.
 My current tubes are Shuguang 845C (cheap Chinese electron). Pre amp tubes are Tungsram ECC82 and driver tubes 6SN7 EH. Probably all cheap stock tubes. I Love the the sweet sound but noise level is unacceptable.  Also very audible transformer noise, but I doubt there is a fix for that. Are there other ways to minimize tube/transformer noise?

What are the most reliable aforementioned tubes out there and what is the best place to get them?
Upscale audio seems to have quite a selection. PSVANE was also recommended by some. 
 I would prefer not to spend more than $600 on 845 tubes and hoping for reliable clean sounding tubes all around.    
I also have C2600 preamp with stock tubes. Any advice on those? 
DC offset? How do I test for it? I get the transformer buzz even when everything is disconnected. Not sure what you mean, please elaborate. 

Better amp than Mastersound ? I was under the impression mastersound is one of the more high end amps out there. It's counterpart PF100 is $50,000 and a slightly larger Evo 845 is 18k. 

I switched pre tubes around from left to right and the louder noise also moved to the other channel. So I assume it's pre tube. How do I get rid of ground loop? 

Also, my questions remains, what are the best 845 tubes right now? 
@millercarbon: DC offset only applies to transistor amps. It is measured in millivolts. Tube amps do not have DC offset. Output transformers do not pass DC voltage. Regarding AC power lines, I doubt they have any DC voltage on them!
Buy and use only vintage tubes! Avoid tubes from China and Russia! Sure, they are a lot cheaper but quality and longevity are inferior to Western tubes made in the 60's and earlier! 
Vintage RCA 845's and GE/Sylvania 6SN7's are an easy recommendation. Used ones that still test good for emissions are certainly acceptable!