Best Tubes on Market today?

I'd like to upgrade tubes on my Mastersound Compact 845 SET.
I'm getting a loud buzzing noise from both channels at  listening position which I find extremely annoying.
 My current tubes are Shuguang 845C (cheap Chinese electron). Pre amp tubes are Tungsram ECC82 and driver tubes 6SN7 EH. Probably all cheap stock tubes. I Love the the sweet sound but noise level is unacceptable.  Also very audible transformer noise, but I doubt there is a fix for that. Are there other ways to minimize tube/transformer noise?

What are the most reliable aforementioned tubes out there and what is the best place to get them?
Upscale audio seems to have quite a selection. PSVANE was also recommended by some. 
 I would prefer not to spend more than $600 on 845 tubes and hoping for reliable clean sounding tubes all around.    
I also have C2600 preamp with stock tubes. Any advice on those? 
Every tube I've used from Tung Sol has been fine to very good...Gold Lion KT88s, KT120s, 150s, 6550s...GL KT77s are amazingly good (JJ KT77s just didn't sound right in my power amp) but bettered, in my amp anyway, by the relatively recent Tung Sol think these tubes are inferior to some vintage and pricier exotica is ridiculous as they've all earned their place among consumers and manufacturers. That said, I've recently bought various 6SN7GTBs (my current preamp and power amp both use these) and found that I prefer NOS GEs over new version Tung Sols or NOS Sylvanias...all of these are relatively inexpensive.
For your budget, PSVane is going to be the best.  Sophia’s (TJ fullmusic) and KRs are both significantly more than what you are planning to spend.  Additionally, KRs don’t work in every amp.

PSVane’s premium tubes only can be purchased from them.  Go their website.  They do not have an OEM program and they charge $25 shipping.  

Also, if you do decide to stay at a lower level, the Shuguang 845Bs sound better than the 845Cs in my opinion.  

Good luck
Call Brent at Brent Jesse recording  you can get extended warranty, trial good at voicing tubes .
DC offset most certainly can and does exist on AC lines.  And it can definitely cause or exacerbate mechanical transformer hum/buzz on both tube and SS amps.  I have personally witnessed even an inexpensive Emotiva CMX-2 reduce mechanical hum/buzz.  I have also observed DC offset effects reduced using an Isotek EVO3 Synchro Uni.

Also, while I suspect it's really rare for tubes to buzz it has happened to me once.  On a Cary SLI-80 the rectifier tubes were buzzing and it was 100% fixed by replacing those rectifier tubes.  I've never witnessed any other tubes buzz.  Most tube noise sounds like tuning in a staticky AM radio station.