So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?

Pretty much as the title says.
Have been looking for a while for a decent DD table to add to my lot.
Have bought a few lower end ones and ultimately been dissapointed.
Now I know there were/ are literally hundreds of choices from the Japanese Golden era of DD tables.
Looking for suggestions from actual owners of solid DD tables up to about $1000 .
I have read and read but nothing substitutes for real experience.
This would likely not be my primary table, my Garrard 401 has that position for now.

Thank you.
The evergreen Technics SP 10mk2

or Jvc/Victor TT81  (QL8) 

or Pioneer PL 70 (not PL70II)

The DP80 was on my radar but price is just a little over where I really wanted to be. About $1000 just for the deck, then need a plinth  and an arm and now we are over $1500 or more.

The JVC/Victor TT-101 always intrigued me. I own the Victor UA-7045 tonearm & it is excellent, suspect the table would be as well.  
I paid $600 for my DP80 with plinth and DA307 tonearm, but of course that was about 8-10 years ago, and the DP80 was "broken".  Turned out to be an easy fix.  Anyway, even at $1500 a proper DP80 will compete with any belt-drive at least up to $5K.  I realize others may disagree, and I have no problem with that.  To each his own.  In my opinion, the DP80 will out-do the TT81 or PL70 but is on par with a tricked out SP10 Mk2.  I happened to like the DP80 better when I owned both, however.  TT101 would be more like competition for the DP80.

great the TT101 but if I have not recommended it is only because if it presents problems it is difficult to repair .. while the TT81 is very comparable to the TT101 with a few less features and fewer problems.

Outside there are several unsolved TT101 cases.... and I'm one of them.