Supra Sword speakercable:

Hallo out there,
Do any one have any experiences with Supra Sword speakercable?
After purchasing the Supra Swords speaker cable and listening to them in several different system configurations, I must say that for me they are a keeper. The musicality, huge dynamics, and overall pleasing asthetics, along with reasonable price, leaves me feeling quite pleased with having purchased them. Please note, I submit this commet based on my sytems, and what I am hearing, your mileage may vary but overall one should expect favorable results.
Digite seu texto ...comprei há 2 meses uns cabos supra sword de 3m e atesto que a qualidade das imagens sonoras é de enorme qualidade, muito clara, de grande dinâmica, com fortes baixos. Naturalmente que esta minha opinião resulta da experiência auditiva com o meu sistema e com as minhas seleções musicais. 
Supra cables are incredible value. Maybe the best value available. But the color. The color! The horror! The horror!
Tenho supra sword speaker cables, de 3m e o meu grau de satisfação é enorme, depois de comparar diversos cabos, mesmo de valor bastante mais elevado. São cristalinos e muito fortes na reprodução das baixas frequências, no som dos baixos eléctricos ou acústicos e no bombo de uma bateria
Twelve years ago I responded to audioangel's initial inquiry offering my positive opinion of Supra Sword cables. Coming across this recent post from zemanel has given me the opportunity to reflect on the time that has passed. Since then, 2008, every component in my system has been selectively replaced with the exception of an Acoustic Revive distribution block and the Supra Sword cables.