What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
@lpretiring The original technician(s) is still at Brooks Berdan, and they service all generations of BEL 1001 amplifiers, and just about any other brand of audio equipment:

Nad 3020 for sure.

Or was the Naim 32/110.

Perhaps it was the Creek Destiny.

No, it was definitely the Arcam 10.

But on second thoughts it could have been that cheap shiny Japanese transistor unit from the 1970s which lasted for decades and is still going strong the last time I heard.

Of course none of them matched the liquid midrange of valve amp that came before all of them - but it took forever to realise.
Agree with @soundsrealaudio that it was a Bricasti amp but the qualifier is the speakers and amp have to be synergistic. 
@kaufman I have heard of Brooks Berdan, but was not aware that their technicians were that familiar with the BEL 1001. I will explore my options with them.
Thank you for the tip.