Regarding the Innamorata II Level II, while my understanding is that it is certainly a very fine amplifier, and while the following may very well not be issues, I would suggest that if you speak with Jeff you ask him the following questions about these specs:
The questions:
1) Is the fact that the amp is only rated to provide 60 watts more into 4 ohms than into 8 ohms (210 watts vs. 150 watts, which is a difference of less than 1.5 db) a concern with your particular speakers? As George and I alluded to earlier the combination of impedance magnitude and impedance phase angle of your speakers probably represents an effective load of less than 2 ohms at certain bass frequencies.
2) No amplifier can provide 210 watts into each of two channels while consuming only 350 watts. And for that matter providing 300 watts (150 x 2 channels) while consuming 350 watts represents higher efficiency than can be expected of a non-class D amplifier (and I assume this amp is not class D). How can these numbers be reconciled?
As I mentioned, these questions may or may not represent issues in your particular application, or in other applications, but IMO they are certainly reasonable questions I would recommend asking.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al
150 wpc at 8 ohms, 210 wpc at 4 ohms
Power Consumption: 129 Watts idle, 350 Watts maximum
The questions:
1) Is the fact that the amp is only rated to provide 60 watts more into 4 ohms than into 8 ohms (210 watts vs. 150 watts, which is a difference of less than 1.5 db) a concern with your particular speakers? As George and I alluded to earlier the combination of impedance magnitude and impedance phase angle of your speakers probably represents an effective load of less than 2 ohms at certain bass frequencies.
2) No amplifier can provide 210 watts into each of two channels while consuming only 350 watts. And for that matter providing 300 watts (150 x 2 channels) while consuming 350 watts represents higher efficiency than can be expected of a non-class D amplifier (and I assume this amp is not class D). How can these numbers be reconciled?
As I mentioned, these questions may or may not represent issues in your particular application, or in other applications, but IMO they are certainly reasonable questions I would recommend asking.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al