Many speakers (omnidirectional, bidirectional, wide dispersion) do not sound best placed on the short axis and near the side walls in moderately sized rooms. Some speakers, Larsen and the larger Magnepan models come to mind, are designed to be placed on the long wall.
The problem with long wall placement can be if there is not enough room for proper speaker placement away from the front wall, distance from you to the speaker and distance behind your ears to the rear wall. It's often hard to achieve a perfect Cardas or Sumiko (or whatever manufacturer you like) arrangement based on the rule of thirds or fifths. I would look for a speakers that will allow placement close to, if not right against, the front wall for better seating flexibility.
The alternative is to adopt a nearfield listening position. This works really well with some speakers. The little Harbeth P3s come to mind, where nearfield usually produces the best sound.