I've been running 845 amps in my system for nearly 20 years, some noise is inherent to these amps
I have a Line Magnetic 518iA 845 tube integrated, it makes zero noise
I have a Line Magnetic 518iA 845 tube integrated, it makes zero noise
Best Tubes on Market today?
ei001h- Far as, "best tubes on market"; the best are all NOS, from reputable dealers(as mentioned above). Since you asked about, "best’ for you; that depends on your taste in reproduction. It’s been my experience, that many like a warm, sweet, what some call, "tubey" sound. If that appeals to you, stick with British(ie: Mullard or Brimar) If a cleaner, more detailed presentation attracts you; go with German tubes(ie:Teles or Siemens). Somewhere in the middle, are Amperex/Bugle Boy, Pope and Phillips(Holland). NOS American tubes can go either way. The previous comments are focused on nine-pin Miniatures. I’ll include a list/comparison survey, which deals with the 6SN7 family. I’ve found the first author’s comments/impressions quite accurate (all my personal favorites are bottom-gettered) . With the prices that NOS output tubes are now commanding; current production is very attractive. No experience here, regarding SET output valves. http://www.dehavillandhifi.com/6sn7_vt.htm and: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/the-reference-6sn7-thread.117677/ |
hi i would solve the noise issues by a tech and than replace both 12au7 at least. china is the worst source for any audio gear ide wait till i can afford it and go only with nos nib guaranteed (the older the better). i have experience with a few great nos 12au7 tubes these are my favourites : 1.mullard 10m goldpin 12au7 :the end of tube rolling,the cleanest tube with the widest stage and frequency extension the best audiophile grade preamp tube ever made in england has a fresh hint of brightness .think if telefunkens had a soul...(if you even consider teles try amperex or simens they are sweeter sounding less dry and sound less german....) 2.mullard 12au7/12au7a 1958-1975 great low mid slightly recessed highs very smooth and weighty ,healthy gain. 3.brimar warm but not smooth less bass more upper mid lots of vintage british personality ,i prefer military/industrial (12au7a /cv 4003)versions since they have a lower noise floor (it's a very gainy tube) 4.ge jan military versions:well balanced sweet and crispy highs very low noise floor great clarity and definition,tames angry amps(too gainy or too sharp) .great tube and not so pricey . 5.rca 12au7a also a great tube more gain and upper midrange as opposed to the more transparent clean and hollow ge. |
For balanced 12AU7 you forget CiFTE WAH and military RT WA. Also great tubes are unobtainium Valvo (made in Hamburg) K62. Don’t forget the E186cc. All are great tubes by themselves but can interfere and interact more or less happily with the other tubes around. I played a few years with all that and conclude the partnership is as important for a final sound you seek after than the added sq of the tubes themselves. All Telef or all « Mullards » or British styled tubes is not always the best choice (for my taste and in my system). When you cook you have to marry different tastes and when you find the right associations it puts a smile on your face. |