Martin Logan CLS setup

I recently obtained a pair od Martin Logan CLS IIs and just wonder if you guys could get me some pointers on setting them up for optimum performance. My room is about 22' X 26' with a very high cathedral ceiling about 20 feet at the peak. The front wall where the speakers will be has a fireplace in between the speakers with a window on each side of it. Behind the listening chair is open into the kitchen and rest on the house. Any advice on distance from back and side wall etc room treatment??

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First we should talk about the rest of your system to be sure we are not wasting our time with room placement and room acoustics. The CLS is picky about electronics and cables.
I use the clsIIz and my room is roughly 26 by 44 or something like that. It opens into a few open stairwells and another thousand feet of floor space or so. I have a TV instead of a fireplace, but this photo shows what I have done to make my speakers sound great.

If you think this has some bearing on what you are getting at, I will measure it off for you.