Abbey Road 50th Anniversary

I’ve been listening to the 50th Anniversary of “Abbey Road” by The Beatles all morning....what fun!  The new mix is well done.  It’s warm and spacious.

I understand The Beatles albums are sacred for some.  I’ve enjoyed most of the remastered and reissued albums over the years.  This new “Abbey Road” release definitely sounds different, and after a few plays I put on the original pressing and the 2009 remastered version for comparison.  I prefer the cleaner, sweeter sonics of the newer versions.

I like the extra instrumentations, orchestrations and outtakes.  The new packaging and materials are wonderful.  The books, photos and sleeves are tastefully laid out with a high quality presentation.

What do you think of this iconic masterpiece?  What is your favorite pressing/version of “Abbey Road”?

“....and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make....”


What is the “Dr. Ebbetts Mono CD”?

Does anyone know how many versions there are of “Abbey Road”?  I was watching Michael Fremer’s video review and he mentioned several.
Here are some links to some nice reviews of the new “Abbey Road” that are interesting and informative.

Analog Planet by Michael Fremer:

Michael Fremer’s Video Review:

Steve Guttenberg’s Video Review:
I was prompted to order the three LP 2019 Giles Martin remastered version after listening to the 2009 CD.  The CD was really unsatisfying.  The upper midrange was, to my ears, too prominent and there was a lack of spaciousness overall.  

The 50th Anniversary LP is a whole different deal.  The upper midrange is in balance with the rest of the frequency spectrum maintaining the clarity of the 2009 CD but with a much more spacious soundstage.  I lucked out on the pressing as the LP is "flat as a pancake" (thanks Head East)  and is virtually devoid of any surface noise!  In a word, the new LP is "beautiful" to listen to and its clarity increases my appreciation for the many layers used to produce the album.

The beauty, clarity and spaciousness of the 2019 Abbey Road is prompting me to look into the LPs of SPLHCB and "The Beatles" albums.

PS The two additional LPs reveal, in considerable measure, the creative process of the band and also how well the guys were getting along during the "Abbey Road" sessions.  The blurbs that explain each take put the happenings at the sessions into proper context and give them interest.

PPS. I have never heard The Beatles recording of "Come and Get It" later made famous by Badfinger.  Good rendition but not as energetic as Badfinger's.
Why do you use 2009 version for reference?All these late remastering made from digital using digital equipment.I compare some new remasters to 1984 British "Blue Box".

"Blue Box" sounds 1000 times better.I heard latest audiophile remasterings of Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd. Some of these remasterings are better some are worse but all of them lose to old analog reissues.
@alexberger, yes the 2009 CD remasters left an awful lot to be desired. The stereos were just wrong.

The tweaked versions in the 2014 US box might be the best the Fab 4 sound on CD. 

One day someone will finally capture the analogue magic and get the digital transfers right. But it won't be Giles - seems as if it's beyond him.

He's the remix cash king.