Atma-sphere Updates

As some of you know I have had a few pieces of equipment updated by the Atma-Sphere Crew. I picked them up on the used market. Otherwise, I’d never be able to afford such quality gear.  First would like to say I have never seen a company in which it’s employees take so much pride in their work.  Hats off to Ralph and everyone at Atma-Sphere. Best CS I’ve ever had with any company. And I do mean ever...
   Secondly I have had a pair of M60’s 3.0, and a pair of MA-1’s 3.1 updated to 3.3 versions. Also had Adam Hot Rod my UV-1 to the Hottest UV-1 ever built. A couple friends had MP-3’s updated to 3.3 status also. In each case of the Amps and MP-3’s they came back like a completely different piece of gear.  The updates  are such a difference it’s hard to believe it’s the same piece I dropped off.  The UV-1 was a big difference but not as dramatic. But it is a very simple bare bones circuit.  I would strongly suggest if anyone hasn’t updated to the current model 3.3 you really should. You will not be disappointed in anyway. Especially on the Amps, incredible. Also Ralph gives you a brand new 3 year warranty when you update. Pretty hard to beat that. It’s like having a new system. 
  Simply put the 3.3 update is incredible. Everything sonically is improved. Which makes for a dramatic presentation upgrade. Ralph took great pieces of gear and made them incredibly better. His 3.3 update was the biggest advancement I think he’s had in my opinion.  My MA-1’s will be my forever amps. Now I dream of owning an MP-3. 

Atma-sphere fanboy I am self admitted.... lol
stay on the high road you have always been on Ralph. Enjoy the music
We all know Ralph is a complete gentleman on these threads.  The one outlier comment is best ignored as just that.....a distant outlier! Keep it up Ralph! 
I will not give examples.That will only give oxygen to those comments and it is not in the best interest of anybody here to do that.
The overwhelming view of those here - myself included - is that Ralph is one of our most consistently respectful and useful contributors. That shifts the burden of proof for a conflicting claim on you.
Wow! I do not own any of atmosphere's products,however I always enjoy his posts. He always responds truthfully and with an abundance of knowledge. I have never seen him push or advertise his products in threads. I have very little technical knowledge of electronics,and I always learn something by reading Ralph's posts. 
  Sounds like someone has a bee in his bonnet!