Opinions Golden Sounds DH Cones, I just bought some,they came in today

I bought some Jumbos to go under Preamp. Will try them this weekend, they just came in today. My tube CD player has easy access so I replaced Mapleshade brass with jumbos. I placed them in biggest triangle possible and found them a little exaggerated in the highs. I moved the back two feet 2 or so inches closer together and it smoothed out very nicely. That's as far as I've gotten. Very nice improvement over brass which I swapped back in just to confirm my findings.  If you have used the DH cones which component faired the best with the cones? I have amp, Preamp, phono preamp, turntable power supply,. I've heard 2 up 1 down, 2 down 1 up. Any advise were to place under component. I am going to buy Gaia Oreos next anyone compared the two, thank you.

No, you cannot buy springs at an industrial supply place. You must buy my springs. 
I'm sure geoff's springs are superior to the industrial springs I use but if by chance you want to try industrial springs, go to McMaster Carr, they have many. The one's I would recommend are "compression springs" .750 to 1" in dia (for best stability) & ground flat on both ends. After that it's a matter of how much weight each spring will see (max load in lbs is listed) & how much space you want between whatever is between them (compressed lg at max load).  
One would have to be pretty short-sighted 👀and perhaps not have his thinking cap on, or a tad down and out to buy inferior springs for what amounts to the same price as those from your humble narrator. 😬 Talk about pinching pennies.
I suspect I'll get around to that at some point Geoff. Thanks for being humble. Stay classy