I need some turntable guidance

I am wanting to acquire a turntable but don't have enough information to make an appropriate purchase just yet. My two systems:

preamp-  Mac C2300 tube and has built in phono

Krell MCX 350 monos and PBN Audio KAS speakers

Mac MC275 tube amp and Klipschorn speakers with Volti upgrades

What price range should I be looking in? I want something that sounds great but is also appropriate for my level of gear. In other words, I don't want to under buy or over buy. What TTs would you guys suggest to me? 

@Elizabeth, excellent advice.  I've used a Technics SL-1600MK2 since the early 80's.  I have 1200+ vinyl albums.  Earlier this year, I setup my first dedicated listening room and, while I still have the 1600MK2 in my rec room setup, I purchased a 1200G w/ Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge and a Parasound JC3 Jr phono pre amp.  I absolutely love the sound. 

To take my analog music to another level, I was planning to buy a Herron phono pre amp before years end.  I have a Herron pre-amp, Innous MK2 media player, Audio Mirrror Tubadour III SE DAC, NAD M22 v2 power amp, and Tannoy DC8 ti speakers. I can honestly say, my digital music sounds every bit as good as my analog setup - to my ears.  Many of my friends think it sounds better.

I'm 71.  Getting up and down to play vinyl isn't a chore, but lately, I spend much more time just relaxing and streaming Tidal or playing ripped CDs.  I considered selling my new analog gear and using the proceeds to buy a really good tube stereo power amp or some mono block amps.  I don't play vinyl enough anymore to justify the money I've spend on my new analog gear, but, at least for now, I just can't bring myself to sell it.

Time will tell :-)
   Interesting topic to which there is no end to opinions. I have owned a few tables. The one that I still use is a Pioneer PL-530 I bought new in the 70's. Simple maintenance has been done since I bought it. I was lucky enough to have a dealer close by that sells all the rest of the equipment in my system. Brought some of my favorite vinyl to their shop and auditioned tables such as Rega. None of them sounded superior to the Pioneer to the point that justified the large cost outlay of some of the new age tables.   Sure, there are other factors that influence sound...room acoustics and others. From my experience, the cartridge and stylus are the most important factors that affect the performance of a turntable assuming that the table has at least decent workings. Cartridge selection is almost as subjective as speaker selection when it comes to listener preference.
 It's very hard to believe you have the system(s) listed above, but you don't have basic answers already to the beginner-level turntable/vinyl question you're asking! You're either pulling our collective leg, or else you've inherited these components, right?

But if you're sincere, and those are your system components, I'd say budget minimum $15,000 for turntable, tonearm, cartridge, phono stage (better than Mac built-in), cable, set-up

What "beginner-level turntable question" are you referring to? I thought my posts made sense and I asked appropriate questions? 

So far in this life I have not inherited anything. I purchased with my own hard earned funds every piece of equipment I listed. I don't know much about turntables or audio equipment in general for that matter but I do like my music to sound good. Every once in a while I acquire a piece of gear or upgrade something but I don't consider myself an audiophile. Actually, my interest in music comes from being a musician. Maybe unlike a lot on the forum the gear doesn't interest me so much so I don't follow too closely what all has been made or is available. When I decide to upgrade something I ask for opinions and I read and consider each one until I find a direction that seems right to me and eventually that leads to some kind of acquisition. I live in the middle of the country, in the country, so there are no dealers close to me and I don't like auditioning things in stores anyway. Believe me, I am sincere and reading every post a number of times in hopes of increasing my knowledge so I can eventually pull the trigger on the appropriate turntable.

Your last sentence was helpful though. $15k or so was about what I was thinking. Of course, I'm still hoping I can do it for less...

The turntable will sit on a concrete floor covered in wood.

I believe the same thing. " it really depends on the turntable not the price tag." I'm hoping to find that table. I will look through the Technics line. THX

jrpnde,  It makes sense that the cartridge would be so important. That is where it all starts. I was glad you said that. Of course, learning about cartridges is next on my list and if I seem ignorant about turntables wait until I start asking about cartridges!
And next is an appropriate phono amp.

Guys I appreciates all of the responses. Please keep them coming. I'm looking the suggestions up and I have learned some helpful info.