...amazed by 15+ year old interconnect...

Hello to all...

Wanted to experiment with my stereo - (IMHO) improve the sound , more towards elements I heard from an audiophile friends' system: dug around in my closet and pulled out a 1 meter pair of HARMONIC TECHNOLOGIES PRO-SILWAY MK III (which was part of an equipment buy about 5 years ago), and replaced the Stager Silver interconnects from my Marantz SACD SA-8001 into my JOB INT integrated amp. Let it play low 24 hr/day for 7 days and then for about 21 days (still at 24hr/day) med volume during the day and low overnight - and am now thoroughly amazed at the change (positive in my  estimation) in so many aspects of the musics' presentationthru my system.

This leads me to question who else is using 'older' interconnects and/or speaker cables (meaning 15+ years old) and how they rate in comparison "... to new and of course better constructions and technologies..."

Also: do cables " burn out" or lose their effacicy to perform over time?

Looking forward to real life experiences being shared... Thanks!
Lov my Tara Labs Decade and Generation II ICs !! Also switch in my Kimber AG's when i want more sizzle
The OP did ask a question that I don’t think has been answered.  If you stop using an IC, speaker wire or PC, for a long period of time will it need burned in again when later used again?

Just curious.

I really like Geoff's Geritol suggestion! Then maybe a cable elevator on each would act as an assistance walker! Good one Geoff!
I have a mix of old and new cables and I've switched and exchanged these at various times. I am using old (and now discontinued Music Metre) interconnects between my Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ and my Classe Audio DR-9 power amp. The wiring harness from my Moerch UP-4 is by the same company. They sound fine to me but maybe I've got an unsophisticated ear. Because I've swapped components, it's hard to tell changes in quality over time though.