I messaged The Music Room about a couple of pieces. All are mint, have remote and manual but no packaging:
Yamaha AS3000
Yamaha CDS3000
Yamaha CDS2100
They offered me $3,800 total ($1,700 for AS3000, $1,300 for cds3000 and $800 for the cds2100). I know lowrider57 said their first offer is usually a lowball but not sure how much room I've got here for negotiation or if I should look elsewhere. Any thoughts?
Yamaha AS3000
Yamaha CDS3000
Yamaha CDS2100
They offered me $3,800 total ($1,700 for AS3000, $1,300 for cds3000 and $800 for the cds2100). I know lowrider57 said their first offer is usually a lowball but not sure how much room I've got here for negotiation or if I should look elsewhere. Any thoughts?