I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage

I have heard it half a dozen times at home, small room, Primaluna HP Integrated or a Rogue Atlas Magnum II and RP-1 Pre and believe it or not a pair of close to 30 year old Paradigm Export Monitors.

The experience I had, I can only describe as sitting in an aquarium when the litlle rectangular glass aquarium was filled with liquid engulfing you from all directions with no awareness of the speaker boxes...it was just perfect!

The room is approximately 12 x 13 x 9, small bedroom converted to a den!

So the question is what speakers does everyone recommend to provide the same experience?? I have a budget of $2000 for the next little babies so let’s not talk about Focal uber expensive stand mounts at $9500 thank you!

Monitor not floor standers and the Primaluna is gone, it’s all Rogue And yes, I would consider a pair of floor standers that are not to intrusive.
Omnis....If you want '3D' (4D, actually), there is no substitute.  Dipoles will get you 'closer', and Yes, either are going to be 'fussy' about room placement, what's in the space, and et cetera, ad infinitum....
If you desire an 'immersive experience', L+R, F& R.  Even with a 2 channel source, it's an eye-opener.
4 chan, you can have the vocalist in your lap....if that's your thing.

And, NO, I'm not open or interested in arguing with 'you'. MHO....
*L*  I'd rather be listening than tap-dancing keys....

(Hi, geo...maps....;)  I'm just cranky today...*smirk*)
Forget your speakers dilema...

You need diffusor/absorbers for 1st and 2nd point reflections....

I use GIK....

I am getting what you desire with the same room as mentioned above.

In case your wondering what speakers..?


Try stacking a pair.
The sound stage you desire is less a function of the equipment and more a function of how you set things up.  Your room is problematic in several ways, but I would suggest the following (which worked great in a 13x15 ft room I once had).  Place rack in the middle of the front wall and seated position against the middle of the  back wall.  Bring speakers nearly half way out into the room , a couple feet off the sidewalls forming an equilateral triangle with your listening position.  A pair of 6 1/2" monitors with a soft dome tweeter should be plenty.  Avoid speakers with a shelved up top end--pick a smoothly voiced speaker and you will be shocked at the huge sound stage you can achieve!
Either single ended triode amps, 300b, 45 tube based, or low powered class A solid state amps. Pass First Watt. They are all low power, so I pair them with mini monitors, with an active tube crossover with subwoofers. Speakers are either ither Proac 1sc, or currently, Infinity Infinitessimal  V.1, that have been modded with upgraded crossover components, and rewired for bi-wiring. I like your analogy. That listening experience is number 1 on my list too.
These should be a slam-dunk improvement over the Paradigms, silly good for the $$$$:

Just be sure to buy the stands also if you go that route. 

I'd avoid floorstanders - there's a good possibility they'd overload a room that size, and the ones in your budget range tend to have noisy cabinets that will worsen rather than improve the soundstage.

Speakers aside, I agree with others that room treatments are probably your best bet. But there are no hard rules as to what should be placed where. I find that I don't like any absorption or diffusion behind the speakers but I do like it between the speakers. However, if your speakers are close to a wall, you might want some diffusion behind them as otherwise, the reflected waves would be too near in time to the initial waves. 

If indeed your speakers are near the forward wall, try moving them out a couple feet.