You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss

So I'm genuinely curious about this, and I'd like your thoughts.

You: Are a current pass owner who has tried a number of other amps and stuck with Pass.

Please discuss your speakers, your pass and what other amps you feel your current set up bested.

I won't opine, but may ask questions to those who are not specific enough.
One thing I've heard a lot is the terms "refined." I don't know what this means, so if you can compare to other amps with more detail, would appreciate that.

I'll keep my bright and revealing system, thank you, but when I listen to some good music that is not recorded well, and/or mixed well, I have a Bryston powered pair of 10" subs with no crossover to add depth, harmonics, and sweetness, especially on old LP's. 
I have Coincident PRE’s and have used Coincident Frankenstein 300bs, Atma-Sphere M60’s, a lyngdorf tdai-3400, pass labs xa25, and first watt f4s on them. In this system, the first watt f4s are the best of the bunch. Extended, clean, lightly sweet with a beautiful soundstage and precise imaging.

Currently building a pair of diy sit3s to try as well. Just a fabulous company making wonderful amplifiers for all the right reasons.
Also, my speakers are bright (Accutron ceramic tweeters), and I have not found any of my pass products bright or harsh. I also used an int30a on Thiel 2.4s (bright aluminum tweeters) and found it an intoxicatingly beautiful combination.
I am using Pass Aleph III’s on stacked Quad 57’s

The only amps I liked as well were the Cary 805’s