Hi Sukihocck - a major advantage of the Lore is its ability to run full range from the Eminence driver. The tweeter never calls attention to itself. I cannot distinquish the mids from the treble like most conventional speakers - it is truly seamless in that regard. Yes, the Audax tweeter only handles 3Khz and up so this is basically a x-overless design.
As far as the temperature/tone... that will depend entirely on your front end. The Lore is extremely transparent. But I am surely tube biased. You can read my previous comments to have an idea of what it sounds like with single ended and Quicksilver amps. Driven with a good front end and source, there are really no flaws to mention. The Quicksilver combination is perfec IMO.
As far as the temperature/tone... that will depend entirely on your front end. The Lore is extremely transparent. But I am surely tube biased. You can read my previous comments to have an idea of what it sounds like with single ended and Quicksilver amps. Driven with a good front end and source, there are really no flaws to mention. The Quicksilver combination is perfec IMO.