Cordless subwoofers?

Looking for factual information from those that use cordless subwoofers.
How well do they work?
Any negative reasons not to go cordless?
I appreciate any knowledge you can pass on...
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First, some terminology correction. You’re looking for wireless, not cordless, as the subwoofer will still need a power cord. I’ve been running a wireless subwoofer in my TV system for close to 10 years without any issues. Using the Rocketfish wireless subwoofer kit. Ballpark $100 at BestBuy.
@crn3371, thank you for the correction, I meant to say wireless ;-)
I plan on adding one, eventually, two subwoofers to my main two-channel audio system and I didn't realize that wireless systems existed for subwoofers until I began to do some research on the topic.
Does anyone have any information they can direct my way regarding wireless subwoofers in a two-channel audio system pros and/or cons?