Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I agree with Morganc that you'd probably be happy with either.
I have and love my Omens that I bought for $999. If I were looking today I would opt for the Lores but that's just me.

btw I don't believe there is an answer to the "are they $999 speakers selling for $1500 or ate they $1500 speakers that originally sold for $999.
I have been following this thread and yesterday I ordered a pair of Lore speakers. After Zmanastronomy said they were not a pretty speaker, I decided to spring for the gloss finish, in black. Eric said it will take two weeks for the gloss finish to be ready, and now I am thinking of changing to gloss white since it may go well with my audio room. Have any of you seen the gloss finishes, and what do you think of them. I am a little concerned about resale value, especially for white. Also, I asked Eric about speaker cable and he said get Kimber 4TC. Eric used to work at Kimber. 4TC cost a fraction of my current speaker cable. Thanks for any comments.
Mlg, I think Gpowered got his in white. He sent me a photo and they look real sweet.
For the price point, I don't think you'll be selling them any time soon after you hear them. They are quite good.
I'll PM you about some cables. Welcome to the Lore club.
Looking forward to your impressions.
I'm going to be ordering my Lore's in the next week or two and am wondering what types of amps or integrated amps,tube or SS, are optimal for the Lore. I currently have a Rogue 90 amp and Krell KSA 50S amp. My preamp is an Eastern Electric Minimax and I just bought the Lightspeed attenuator to try.If I have 2K used in my amp/pre setup how would that money be better spent to find an optimum amp/pre for the Lore's?