Dealer behavior issue

I would like opinions as to whether members feel that I’m being unreasonable to think
that a very popular dealer has not performed so well on my behalf, the customer. Last summer I ordered an expensive ARC amp understanding that delivery would most likely be in Oct which was fine with me. I did make a commitment which I understand.
My situation seriously changed due to my wife’s health but I agree that’s not his problem.
At this point I requested to pay a handsome restocking fee, 2-3k, can’t remember the amount but he was cavalier saying why would I want to do this?
So that was that.
The unit is about to be delivered and as I’ll immediately resell the unopened box I gave him a last offer.
The transaction had a current unit model trade in that retailed for 8k and is a favorite product of his and he carries it.
Yesterday I offered to give him this unit as the restock fee with 90 days to fully refund me.
I have received no response so he didn’t like my offer which is his right. I have spent over 40k retail over the last two years with him with no problems.
So in the end I changed my mind which is the lowest form of audio behavior. Was I foolish to think this guy would accommodate me? The product I offered to GIVE him will fly out his door for $4k .
This is just business as usual ?
also i think giving him a true 8k item that worst case sells for 4k was a fairly steep price as a restock fee. but i offered it
if not shipped to dealer yet it’s hard to see what ARCcould offer. 
finally he raves about this new ARC product which I’m sure is true. why so worried to stock given that he’ll have it at cost-4k
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Business as usual would be for you to walk. You haven't taken delivery so good luck enforcing payment on you. Walk. Just Do It.
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I only deal with the owner. He is out of state and ok to send to my no dealer area. I expect he’s heard it all and my problem is not his problem. I think that has nothing to do with what his behavior should have been. 
Ive bought a lot of equipment from him and we’d had a fine relationship.I do vacillate at times on purchases but have always pulled the trigger.
Im just amazed that he values me so little.