Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Use a good copper Litz wire. Type 2 copper Litz from Q Audio is the best cable I have heard, and really "woke up" the Lores. Made me realize I was listening "rolled off" prior to using it. I am still in disbelief how "real" everything sounds now.
Gpowered thank you so much for the recommendation i will look at the Q today.Did anybody try using Paul S. anti cable with the Lore?
In response to Boniccie:

I don't own Lores, I own Eric's OB 4.5 monitors and I use Paul Speltz Anti Cable speaker cables. I love these cables, but expect a very long burn-in on them. I mean long. I'm at about 300+ hours on my entire system and just recently the cables really opened up.

Hope it helps,
I think it may be something else opening up in your system.
The wire Speltz uses has very little dielectric on them and the dielectric is what the burn in is about.
Dielectric is the insulation around the wire and acts like a capacitor. Storing energy and releasing it. The burn in attempts to allow the signal to pass without the effects of the dielectric but never really does.
I know about these things because I also manufacture a cable very similar.
If you have 300 hrs on your entire system, maybe it's something other than the cables opening up.
I also want to make note that my last statement was in no way shilling. I was just establishing credibility to the comment I made.