Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


Even though I already knew you produced cables very similar to Paul's, I didn't take it as shilling.

Now that you mention it, I have recently upgraded a few components up-stream. The only real constant (if you check out my system) has been my speakers and cabling. It's these items that have 300+ hours, everything else considerably less. Sorry to get off topic.

More to the point: A friend owns Eric's Katz Meow, and if it's any indication of the Lore (8inch driver vs 10inch driver), then I'm certain you wouldn't be disappointed with it.

The Q cable I am using is similar to 4TC, in that it is a twisted configuration, but transcends it because it is a type 2 litz which means it is a "twist of a twist." Not only is it effective as shelf shielding, but it completely eliminates skin and proximity effect. It is evident by how nothing sounds rolled off. I testify to you that this is a world class cable. 4tc is not. This is a case where you really have to forget the reviews and magazine ads and try for yourself. If you research what works best with SET and low powered setups, it is frequently Litz or just look at what Tommy Horning puts in his amazing Horn Hybrid speakers – silk cut Litz.

Just a thought, if I was to go with solid core, I would be much more apt to go w/ Zman's design over Speltz. Reason: he go's the extra mile with the Cryo treating and twisting it. Speltz is just a solid core wire – nothing to it really.
I just picked up the Lore and met with Eric. What a great guy you absolutely get the feeling from the first minute you meet him that he is not here to sell you a pair of speakers but he is here to share his love and knowledge of building a world class speakers with you..I took the speakers of the boxes and they are damn heavy i know it is way way too early to talk about how good they are but i can tell you this from the first LP or cd i played i can feel the bass in my face and a fantastic midrange. again i know it is too early and Eric told me just to let them run for 15 hours or so at a moderate to bit higher volume and by tomorrow i will get at least 70% of what the Lore can deliver. I can't wait to hear the difference.. To all of you Audiogon members who are looking for new speaker,do yourself a favor and CALL ERIC.I will post a follow up later this week