Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?

Was curious if anyone had purchased a Schiit Aegir? I was wondering how it sounds.
I just installed 2 Aegirs running monoblock into Dunlavy Cantata (same as SC-III).  The Aegirs replaced an Audiomat Arpege reference tube amplifier.    They sound spectacular and I'm absolutely thrilled thus far.    
So Schiit seem to want to have it both ways.  When giving the dry specs, they only quote monoblock operation at 80W into 8 ohms.  Then later on, in the text of the description, they say it will give 100W into 4 ohms.  If that is solid and reliable, why not quote it too in the specs?

I would never bridge two amps, unless all I needed was more PA watts and prepared to take a hit on every other parameter, including sound quality.

I would use the Aegir just on the mids and highs, and use a Vidar on the bass

Cheers George