Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Thanks for the crossover info. I have found that taking some of the load off my main drivers by using both a high and low pass filter really improved things. Not sure if this was due to taking the load off my main speaker amp or from taking the load off the speakers...

Worth experimenting with perhaps.

Thanks for the info and glad the mp3 problem isn't with the speaker
Light in the bass? I never considered the Lore to be light in the bass. It's not earth shattering bass. It's very ballanced and not dominant. Bass is a personal preferance to most people. Some people just want big bass and everything else is secondary. I like a ballance with a little slam when slam is needed.
Room placement will definatly help out in the bass department.
I'd much rather have clean bass than more bloated bass.
Deeper bass would be nice, but for what it has, it's very clean and to my liking.
Just my opinion.
In regard to Cwazz comment about them being bright: understand that the Lore is not a rolled off sound. It took me a little while to get used to this aspect of them. I've had bright / hot sounding speakers before and the Lore is not that. Actually, it pains me to even hear someone say that, because I am EXTREMELY sensitive to bright sounding speakers and these would have been out the door quick if that were trhe case. I can’t even listen to some Monitor Audio speaker for instance.

If you are experiencing some issues with brightness, I would strongly advise to check out the rest of your chain and look closely at your room. At 98db eff. and this full range driver, they are going to reveal EVERYTHING. If you are after a warmer sound, there are plenty of loudspeakers out there that roll things off. Also, no speaker will sound good a brittle room, although a warmer speaker might be easier on the ears.

Now, in regard to the light bass comment... understand that the Lore is not going to kick you in the chest at 30hz. It would unwise to believe that any $1,000 speaker could do that, unless it was seriously compromised in other (and likely all) other areas.
Genjamon - I am also surprised to hear you find Lores are light in the bass. My Omens with the 10"er are anything but light, I even had to raise them a little (they port out the bottom) to get the bass right. I would assume the 10"er on the Lore would be similar in this regard.
Have you used that amp with other speakers?
Have you played with positioning?
Or maybe you're just a bass freak :) What's your point of reference?
RE: bright comment.

When I was breaking in my Lores, I was using entry level Nordost cable. The sound was very thick in the bottom end, and the presentation tilted to the side of warm. It was nice, but I felt like I may have been missing some resolution and fidelity. When I switched the Q Audio litz wire, I was no less then ‘shocked’ by the result (for more info see my Q cable review at Audioreview.com). It was like someone turned on the lights in my system. It sounded a little bright at first, because I was hearing all of these high frequencies that were previously rolled off! It also sounded a little thinner than it was, but I soon realized that this was a more natural and accurate presentation then what I had been used to. When the recording is true to it, there is plenty of bass and all of that natural tone I desire. I am simply relying on the recordings to deliver that, and not the flavor of the system. For those of you after a certain type of “flavor,” a revealing loudspeaker such as this may not be the ticket.

Anyway, after it settled in, and I get used to it, I loved it! I simply won’t use another cable with the Lores now. Granted, keep in mind I am using some serious amplifiers. The Quicksilver Mini Mites, though not expensive, are the best sanely priced amps I have heard and changes in cables can make dramatic differences (same is true with all good tube gear).

Now if I was to walk downstairs and hook this cable up in my HT system with a Denon receiver, Blu-ray player, and Kirksaeters, then it is not going to make such a dramatic difference.

I cannot stress how important a front end and cables are when one gets to this level of equipment. I am not sure how much experience some of you have, but the output you get is to the result of the sum of the inputs. These speakers were born for a good tube front end, period. If you are using solid state, you may not be getting the entire picture (with these speakers, IMHO of course).