Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I also just got a pair of Lore's. They sound very good right out of the box. My temporary apartment is a truly horrible space and can't be acoustically treated right now.

What kind of positioning are the rest of you using? I have them equilateral sitting position, about 8 feet apart, 4 feet from back wall and pointed straight ahead (no toe).
Hahaha. Nice one guys. That would be dishonest, and as a follower of Christ, it would not be feasible nor righteous for me to go about deceiving people like that.

Let's see: I live in Bradenton, FL. Eric is from Utah. I am a Financial Analyst for Cox in Saint Pete. Eric is speaker builder in Utah. I am a Cost Accountant from FL - hardly affiliated.

Cwazz - please don't take this as disrespect, but since you are the only one so far on this thread that has griped about the Lores, and now this funny accusation, I feel compelled to point out that your posts have been inconsistent in nature and contradictory to what most of us are reporting. I am afraid this screams that it is likely you and your setup, and not the speaker. Did you know that up to 60% of the sound you hear is room – especially when turned up!! I have 8, 69x24 sound panels setup strategically in my room, and believe me, it is night and day with and without! It seems like you either have a room issue or electronics issue or both. Also, it could be that you just don’t prefer the way the Lores present the music? That would be ok also. The Lore is a very natural sound with a tremendously deep and layered soundstage if set up correct. They are not loudest, or the most bass, or the warmest, or most colored. Some people just prefer a more colored presentation. The Lores are very revealing of a lesser front end – remember this is a 98db sens. speaker so it is naturally going to reveal what is upstream. Cwazz – if your Lores are setup right, then a guitar pluck should sound that guitar is in the room! A big box brand speaker will likely not do that.

You say you mainly use a 100 watt ss amp, and also 35 watt tubes. Not all amps are created equal, and if your source is lacking, you are really going to hearing a lesser refined sound. You may have a bad match on the front end. You have also been told about damping factor and have been given many suggestions on this thread. Still, your comments are still negative.

If it is big bass over quality bass that you desire, then you bought the wrong speaker. If the highs sound bright to you, then look at your source, or an easy fix would be to damp the room a bit or try different cables. I am willing to bet, it is your placement in the room and electronics. Try setting up some bass traps in the corners and see if it improves. I had an 18” Epik Legend sub once in a different home and room, and bass was weak due to nulls and suck out at certain frequencies in the room.

Please stop misleading people with one or two sentence adverse comments do nothing but scream that you lack experience and quite frankly, that would be perfectly ok but then take some suggestions and let’s move on.

The Joy of the Lord to all of you!
Your placement sounds great to start. You may want to experiement with toe in. I have mine in toed in a bit. Also, loosen the front spikes and get the speaker tilting back a bit - zman told me about this tweak for single driver speakers and it makes the bass sound even more natural. It is good that you have them off the back wall! If you sit a little but close to them, you should get an amazingly deep sound stage. Also, allow 150 hour for break in! Enjoy!
Cwazz said he likes the Lores but he doesn't find them to be the holy grail...What's the issue? He is relaying his experience with them, which is what he should be doing. Better than commenting on something he's never heard, which happens all the time on these forums.
The Lores seem to be real good speakers. But don't get bent out of shape every time someone says they aren't the best speaker ever in the world ever. Different people have different tastes, rooms, music preferences, etc. etc. Jeez.