Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

OK Gpowered I guees I should have added a :) after my attempt at a joke . Let me state now THAT GPOWERED AND ERIC ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON . My apologies to Eric if I caused any harm to his reputation.
Getting back to Gpowered . I post on here to get info , not to be lectured at. I am sorry if I did not drink the same koolaid as you , I just find , the LORES a bit brighter then I thought they be . Not that they are not a good speaker , they are , just , like any other speaker ,,, not perfect .The brightnes may well be my electronics , but how can you state that , when by your own admission you are not familiar with my amps/preamps???So spare me the the lack of experince comment . I did talk to Eric before I bought the speakers , told him what I have and he said they would be no problem.I am not griping about the speakers , as you have commented. Just stating MY opinion ,as you have stated yours. I will say this for the last time , so Gpowered listen,,, I like the LORES , like there finish , are they perfect ,,no but NO speaker is . I listen to the speaker ,, not to there finish Gpowered so that does not affect my expectations of the speaker, as you have previously noted.
OK so with this post , it will be my last on this subject ,,thanks, its been great.
Interesting enough, gpowered having Kirksaeters. I use the 220s (92db) with my little Sophia Electric Baby (10 watts) in a 35 x 17 room to loud conversation levels. Yesterday, I took my amp to a dealer friend to listen to Zu Omens and Cain Abbeys. I really liked the Abbeys, although bass shy. The Omens were just far too congested sounding. I'll stick with my Kirks. I got mine as demos for about $1000.00. I play vinyl 75 percent of he time, tuner 20 percent and cd 5 percent approximately.
Omens congested suggest they were probably not set up right.
The only time I had them sounding congested was when there were no spikes under them, and when they were on spikes but set to low. They are bottom ported and very sensitive to
floor distance. When right, they are very electrostatic like
and not boxy or congested sounding at all. Just saying! :o)

Sounds like it as mine are on the warmer side of
neutral to neutral. Toe in/out changes that dramatically.
And/or electronics.