Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Hi. I need your help kind of. I can't seem to get onto tektondesign.com my internet service provider says they can't either. Also it does not seem to work on my phone.

At my work I can see the site just fine. I called tekton and they seem to be able to see it also. So I was just wondering if anyone else had had any issues! It could be my isp is goofing up.

Also if you can get onto the site I went down and shot some extra video at tekton and made a new intro video.
I am not having any trouble accessing the new Tekton website. Man those Katz 3's look nice!! A true 94db speaker that is supposed to compete with some of the more expensive offerings at B&W. Interesting...
I noticed that I can't enter the website either. It says the DNS is not responding.
I got on early this morning and noticed the new layout. Nice.
Also noticed the new price of the Lore.
I just got on with my phone no problem