I am considering purchasing Harbeth C 7ES-3s. Have PSAudio Stellar amp and preamp. I would appreciate thoughts on sound quality and character. I listen to everything except heavy metal/ thrash. Are there other speakers I should consider in their price range? @$4000.
it looks you have powerfull amp,it can be too much for harbeths.Dynaudio speakers like powerfull amps.For $4000 you can get dynaudio platinum c1 with stands.If you won't like sound,dynaudio has good resale value.
I owned the C7ES3 for the better part of three years. Position them right, use good quality stands and you will have one of the best sounding speakers on the market regardless of price.
Try to audition the Spendor SP2/3R2 or Stirling Broadcast SB-88. I like both quite a lot more than the C7ES3s. The 88s can be had for a good discount since Stirling has mostly been shoved out of the U.S. market thanks to the competition's distributor and marketing. And never mind the SB-88 vs C7 claims of ToneAudio, it's hogwash.
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