Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?
Noble100 10-10-2019
... I discovered he was actually singing "Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word".
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your comment about "Surfin’ Bird," and for the link. The lyric is actually "bird is a word," at least in most places in the song, which I think is even funnier than if it were "the word."

Perhaps that lyric was inspired by a dance known as "The Chicken," which originated in the 1950s, and which the performer appears like he might be doing in the latter part of the video you and Geoff linked to. (The video, btw, is incorrectly titled "Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word"; just Google "Surfin’ Bird lyrics" for additional confirmation of that).

Best regards,
-- Al

That’s too bad, as that is some phenomenally righteous singing going on in that tune.

Try it some day (to sing it), or put pencils through your ear drums as someone tries to do it on karaoke night. As it is a very difficult bit of singing.

As for scary... how about.... anything done by Heinje? 

Or get a really really stoned passenger, in your car, on the highway..moving at a really good clip... and have a 1000 watt car audio system..and make them listen to Lauri Anderson's "In The Air"

I know, it's evil, but I could not help myself.... heh heh...


"Billy Don’t Be A Hero -- Paper Lace ,--------YEK!"
I would agree, but I would still give Paper Lace a pass. They performed two of the shortest (3 minutes, or so) movies that do not even contain visuals. The Night Chicago Died and I did what I did for Maria. However, that may be for some "Guilty pleasures" thread.

At least, now I know who bought the other copy of their album. We are looking for the third guy and that must be all.